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   電影的名字叫“無問西東”,英文名為:Forever Young,導(dǎo)演想表達(dá)的含義是:記得自己想要什么,不后悔自己做過什么,用淋漓盡致祭奠青春,無問西東。這個“無問西東”,其實就是去做自己認(rèn)為對的事情,無須后悔。如果讓我翻,我覺得叫No Regrets 會比較好。


  1. 如果提前了解了你們要面對的人生,不知你們是否會有勇氣前來?
  If you knew your life in advance, would you have the courage to come to this world?

  2. 這個時代缺的不是完美的人,而是從心底給出的真心,正義,無畏與同情。
  This era is not short of perfect persons, but sincerity, integrity, fearlessness and empathy from the bottom of our hearts.

  3. 把自己交給繁忙,得到的是踏實,卻不是“真實”。
  Making yourself busy can get you the sense of safety but not true happiness.
  4. “真實”是你看到什么,聽到什么,做什么,和誰在一起,有一種從心靈深處滿溢出來的不懊悔,也不羞恥的平和與喜悅。
  “True happiness” is a kind of unquestionable peace and joy rising from the bottom of your heart, no matter what you see, what you hear, what you do and whom you stay with.

  5. 世界很美好,世道很艱難。
  The world is beautiful, but living in this world is hard.

  6. 逝者已矣,生者如斯。
  The dead has rested in peace, but the living must live on.
  7. 這些人站在那里,自信而篤定,那種從容讓我十分羨慕。
  Those people stood there, confident and determined. It is the very manner that made me admiring.

  8. 看到和聽到的,經(jīng)常會令你們沮喪,世俗是這樣強大,強大到生不出改變它們的念頭來。可是如果有機會提前了解了你們的人生,知道青春也不過只有這些日子,不知你們是否還會在意那些世俗希望你們在意的事情。
  What you see and what you hear will usually make you sad. The mundane world is so solid that nobody can change it. But if you had a chance to learn about what kind of life ahead of you and know that youth is nothing more than these days, I have no idea if you could still care about what the mundane world wishes you to care about.

  9.     愿你被打擊時,記起你的珍貴,抵抗惡意。
  In adversity, please remember your good nature, which will help you resist evil.

  10.  愛你所愛,行你所行,聽從你心,無問西東。
  Love what you love, do what you do, follow your heart, and do not hesitate.

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