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  • 沈陽翻譯公司





1. May, shall, must ,may not (或shall not) 的使用 ,May, shall , must ,may not (或shall not)對學過英語的人再熟悉不過,但在合同中用這些詞時要極其謹慎。權利義務的約見定部分構成了合同的主體。這幾個詞如選用不當,可能會引起糾紛。 may 旨在約定當事人的權利(可以做什么),Shall約定當事人的義務(應當做什么時候), must 用于強制性義務(必須做什么),may not (或shall not)用于禁止性義務(不得做什么)。May do 不能說成can do, shall do, 不能說成should do 或ought to do, may not do 在美國一些法律文件可以用shall not,但絕不能用can not do或must not ) 例如,在約定解決爭議的途徑時的,可以說The parties hereto shall, first of all, settle any dispute arising from or in connection with the contract by friendly negotiations. Should such negotiations fail, such dispute may be referred to the People's Court having jurisdiction on such dispute for settlement in the absence of any arbitration clause in the disputed contract or in default of agreement reached after such dispute occurs. 本句中的shall 和may表達準確。出現(xiàn)爭議后應當先行協(xié)商,所以采用了義務性“約定”,如果協(xié)商解決不了,作為當事人的權利,用選擇性約定may也很妥當。如果may和shall調(diào)換位置會怎么樣?前半句的shall換用may后,意思變成了當事人可以通過協(xié)商解決,意思上說得過去,但后半句的may換用shall 后,變成了應當訴訟解決,好象一出事,就要先見官,這就有些不友好了。本句可譯:雙方首先應通過友好協(xié)商,解決因合同而發(fā)生的或與合同有關的爭議。如果協(xié)商未果,合同中又無仲裁條款約定或爭議發(fā)生后未就仲裁達成協(xié)方的,可將爭議提交有管轄權的人民法院解決。

2. 正式用語(formal term) 合同英語有著嚴肅的風格,與其它英語作品有很大不同。 例如: “因為”的短語多用“by virtue of ",遠遠多于“due to”一般不用“because of ”; “財務年度末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不用“in the end of the fiscal year”; “在……之前”一般用“prior to”,而不用“before”; “關于”常用“as regards”, “concerning”或“relating to”,而不會用“about”; “事實上”用“in effect”,而不用“in fact”; “開始”用“commencement”,而不用“start”或“begin”; “停止做”用“cease to do”,而不用“stop to do”; “何時開會并由某某主持”的表述為:The meeting shall be convened and presided by sb. 其中“召開”不用“hold 或call”,而用“convene”; “主持”不用“chair”或“be in charge of ”,而用“preside”; “其他事項”用“miscellaneous”, 而不用“other matters/events”; “理解合同”用“construe a contract” 或“comprehend a contract”,而不用“understand a contract”; “認為”用“deem”,用“consider”少,不用“think”或“believe”; “愿意做”用“intend to do”或“desire to do”,而不用“want to do”, “wish to do”。

         合同用詞不以大眾是否理解和接受為轉(zhuǎn)移,它是合同語言準確表達的保障。如合同出現(xiàn)的“瑕疵”、 “救濟”、 “不可抗力”、 “管轄”、“損毀”、 “滅失”等就可能讓非行業(yè)人士費解,在英語以上表達分別為defect、remedy、force majuere/Act of God、jurisdiction、damage and/or loss)。另外幾乎每個合同都少不了hereinafter referred to as , whereas, in witness whereof, for and on behalf of , hereby, thereof 等虛詞。這也是合同英語的一大特色。 其它例子還有: “賠償”用“indemnities”,而不用“compensation” “不動產(chǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓”用“conveyance”,而不用“transfer of real estate” “房屋出租”用“tenancy”,而“財產(chǎn)出租”用“l(fā)ease of property” “停業(yè)”用“wind up a business”或“cease (名詞是cessation) a business”,而不用“end/stop a business” 專利許可中的“特許權使用費”只用“royalities” 還款或?qū)@暾埖摹皩捪奁凇庇⑽摹癵race”, “當事人在破產(chǎn)中的和解”用“composition” 以實物出資為“investment in kind” “依照合同相關規(guī)定”一般說“pursuant to provisions contained herein”或“as provided herein”等,不說“according to relevant terms and conditions in the contract” “合同任何一方當事人不得轉(zhuǎn)讓本合同”英文表述為“Neither party hereto may assign this contract”,其中“hereto”表示“to the contract”,選用“Neither party to the contract”較少。

3. 同義詞、近義詞、相關詞的序列 FOR value RECEIVED,the undersigned does hereby sell, transfer, assign and set over to ______ all his right, tile and interest in and to a certain contract dated ______, 19____ by and between the undersigned and ______,a copy of which is annexed hereto. 在這里的同義詞和近義詞并列(如sell, transfer, assign and set over,right和 tile and interest),在英文合同里十分普遍。這是出于嚴謹和杜絕漏洞的考慮,有的也屬于合同用語的固定模式。如: This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B.句中“made and entered into”和“by and between”兩組分別屬于同義詞和相關詞并列。 For and in consideration of mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 句中“for and in consideration of ”, “covenants and agreements”三組同義司和近義詞并列。 The parties have agreed to vary the Management on the terms and subject to the conditions contained herein. 這里的“on the terms”和“subject to the conditions”是一個意思都表示“依照本協(xié)議的條款規(guī)定”。合同條款的固定模式是“terms and conditions” 再例如: “Party A wishes to be released and discharged from agreement as from the effective date”,一句中的“release”和“discharge”意思幾乎相同。 并列的詞還有: ships and vessels support and maintenance licenses and permits charges, fees, costs and expenses any and all any duties, obligations or liabilities the partners, their heirs, successors and assigns control and management of the partnership applicable laws, regulations, decrees, directives, and rules

4. 拉丁詞 在國外合同中,拉丁詞仍然是很常見: 比例稅率:用pro rate tax rate要比proportional tax rate多 從事慈善性服務的律師:pro bono lawyer,不怎么用lawyer engaged in charitable legal assistance 委托代理人:多用agent ad litem。 合同翻譯的第一步——讀懂合同文件 一. 理解法律文件中的專門用語 英語中某些副詞如“here”及“where”在法律文件中往往當作前綴,與另一個詞構成法律詞匯中的專門用語。在法律文件中用這些詞,可以避免重復,避免誤解,避免歧義,使行文準確、簡潔。以這種方法構成的詞主要有: hereafter, hereby, herein, hereof, hereto hereunder, hereupon, herewith, hereinbefore, hereinafter; thereafter, thereby, therein, thereinafter, thereinbefore, thereon, thereof, thereunder, thereupon, therewith; whereas, whereby, wherein, whereof, whereon, etc。 這些詞各有各的含義,筆者只能撿其中幾個細說:
比如: 1. Hereby: by means of; by reason of this 之意,即特此,因此,茲等意。常用于法律文件、合同協(xié)議的正式文件的開頭語,在條款中需要強調(diào)時也可用。舉原文說明,如: The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. 文中:
★hereby 意為 by reason of this,特此的意思。
★Covenants 是動詞,意為make a formal agreement 立約,簽訂合同。
★ completion of the Works 是工程的竣工,Works與Work 在工程承包合同文件中常指工程而不是工作之意。
★ therein意為in the Works在本工程中。
★the Contract Price指合同總價,指工程的總造價。
★ such…as是關系代詞,相當于that, which,把要限定的詞置于such 與as之間使要限定的名詞十分明確,避免合同雙方在理解上發(fā)生爭議。
★ under 意為in accordance with 根據(jù),按照之意,決不能譯成“在…….之下”。
★ the provisions of the Contract: terms and conditions of the contract 合同條件、條款之意。在對文中專業(yè)性詞匯作了解釋之后,就不難理解這一段的含義了,也就是讀懂了。于是可以把原文譯為: 業(yè)主特此立約保證在合同規(guī)定的期限內(nèi),按合同規(guī)定的方式向承包人支付合同總價,或合同規(guī)定的其它應支付的款項,作為本工程施工、竣工及修補工程中缺陷的報酬。


1.關于shall與should shall在合同文件中是使用頻率最高的詞,在合同文件中shall表示強制性承擔法律或合同所規(guī)定的義務,在表達“應該”或“必須”做某事時,應用“shall”而不能用“ must”或“should”,但有時可用“will”,力度比shall弱。 Should在法律文件中往往作“if”解,只表示“如果”之意。 如: The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the Chairman. Should the chairman be absent, the vice-Chairman shall, in principle, call and preside over the board meeting. 文中:
★ 兩個shall,都表示有責任做,應該做之意。
★ Should: If 表示如果。
★ board meeting:董事會會議。
★ preside over:主持。 原文可譯為: 董事會會議應由董事長召集、主持;如董事長缺席,原則上應由副董事長召集、主持。

2. Unless otherwise Unless otherwise: 除外。比 “if not”和 “otherwise”表達正式。 該詞由兩個同義詞“ unless” 和“otherwise”組成,otherwise有代詞作用,后面一般跟動詞的過去分詞限定,意為:除非另…….:如“除非合同另有規(guī)定”可譯為“unless otherwise specified in the Contract”, 又如“除非信用證另有規(guī)定”可譯為“ unless otherwise specified in the Letter of Credit.” 如: These articles shall apply to documentary credits, including stand by letters of credit, to the extent to which the credits in question shall be applicable, and shall be binding on the Parties to the Contract, unless otherwise expressly agreed by the Parties thereto. 文中:
★ unless otherwise,表示除非合同雙方另有約定。
★ these articles 指本條文 ★ apply to 適用,適用于,
★ in question: under consideration; being discussed about 即“在考慮中的或議論中的”某事、某問題,可譯成“這”或“該”, 比如“該事項”, 可譯為“the matter in question”,這是合同中長用的專業(yè)詞組。 比如: Party A agrees to acquire from Party B and Party B agrees to transfer to Party A the Patented Technology for contract Products. The Patented Technology in question shall be the same technology as the technology of Party B’s latest products. 文中的the Patented Technology in question 是指前句中的the Patented Technology, 用了in question 就可以省略“在前句中的……”這樣一句話,十分簡捷鮮明。 例句可譯為:甲方同意從乙方獲得乙方同意向甲方轉(zhuǎn)讓的合同產(chǎn)品的專利技術。這種技術應與乙方最新產(chǎn)品的技術完全一致。
★ Shall be binding on the Parties to the Contract: 對合同各有關方面均具有約束力。 原文可譯為: 本條文適用于一切跟單信用證,并包括在其適用范圍內(nèi)的備用信用證,對合同各有關方面均具有約束力,除非另有約定。

3. In accordance with: under; pursuant to 這三個詞組都作“根據(jù)”,“按照”解,是法律文件中常用的詞組,比according to 正式。試看例文: 例1: On the FOB basis, the Buyer shall book shipping space in accordance with the date of shipment specified in the contract. 文中:
★ in accordance with the date of shipment:根據(jù)裝運日期
★ FOB= Free on board: 船上交貨。按照1999年9月國際商會公布的《2000年國際貿(mào)易術語解釋通則》的規(guī)定,采用此術語,賣方將貨物在合同指定的裝運港裝到買方的船上,即完成交貨。賣方承擔貨物越過船舷以前的風險和費用;買方承擔其后的風險和費用。采用此術語時,在FOB 后面常要注明裝運港名稱,如FOB Shanghai.
★ book shipping space: 洽定艙位。 原文可譯為: 按照FOB條件,由買方負責根據(jù)合同規(guī)定的裝運日期洽定艙位。 注意:文中的買方或賣方,為合同的專門詞匯,都要大寫。中譯英時需注意這一點。例2: When, under the laws and approval from the relevant authorities, a limited liability company is converted into a company limited by shares, the total amount which shares are converted into shall be equivalent to the amount of the company’s net assets. 文中:
★under the laws:依法,按照法律
★a limited liability company:有限責任公司
★a company limited by shares: 股份有限公司 ★be equivalent to : 相等,相當于
★the amount of the company’s net assets: 公司凈資產(chǎn)額 原文則可譯為: 有限責任公司依法經(jīng)批準變更為股份有限公司時,折合的股份總額應當相等于公司凈資產(chǎn)額。

4. Provided that Provided that: 但規(guī)定,規(guī)定;但是,等意。對合同的某一條款需要作進一步規(guī)定時或在作規(guī)定時語氣轉(zhuǎn)折時常用此詞組。在中譯英時,要學會使用此詞組,有時中文字面上并未見“但規(guī)定”,或“進一步規(guī)定”的字辭,但內(nèi)含此義,可先將中文作“語內(nèi)譯”,若含有上述兩義,應運用“provided that” 詞組。例: An irrevocable credit shall be deemed to constitute a definite under taking of the issuing bank. Provided that if the stipulated documents are presented and are complied with the terms, conditions and provisions of the credit, and if the credit provides for sight payment, the payment shall be made or shall be guaranteed to be made. 文中:
★provided that對信用證的承諾性作了進一步規(guī)定。
★be deemed 被認為,被稱為,視為等,是法律文件中的正式用語,比“ be believed; be considered”正式。 如: In the absence of such indication, the credit shall be deemed to be revocable.可譯為:如無該項表示,信用證應視作是可撤銷的。
★shall be deemed to constitute a definite undertaking of the issuing bank: 應被子認為構成開證行的確定承諾。
★Irrevocable 是revocable 加否定前綴構成,不可撤銷之意。
★The credit provides for sight payment:即期付款信用證。 原文可譯為: 不可撤銷信用證,應被認為構成開證行的規(guī)定承諾。(但規(guī)定)如提交了規(guī)定的單據(jù)并符合信用證條款,并系即期付款信用證時,則進行付款或保證該款的照付。除上述法律文件中常用詞組外,還有若干,如in respect of; in respect thereof (關于關于上文已提及的事項);in the event of , in the event that ( 如果;如果……..發(fā)生,比when正式);in case, the (the ) case of (如果;萬一,一旦,);be liable for; be liable to ( 應付有責任);in Testimony whereof: in Witness whereof (以此為證,特立此證); know all Men by these presents (根據(jù)本文件;特此宣布);undersigned: (法律文件末尾的簽名者,若前有定冠詞the,是指文件簽署者的自稱;now therefore, (特此;因此,一般與whereas 連用,其后邊常跟hereby. 譯成“茲”,“特此”)。由于篇幅之限,就不一一細述了。

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